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Compared to other compressors in this range, the GARO AB4000R offers up to 7% higher efficiencies at peak performance. Operating at up to 12.5 bar abs (160 psig), the GARO AB4000R was designed to handle severe service, caustic gases, and demanding requirements of oil & gas and chemical applications.
The GARO overhung impeller design offers low maintenance operation, reduced time for preventative maintenance and repair, and improved reliability through reinforced impellers, and a new "move ahead" footprint.
Engineered by the liquid ring compressor innovators at Garo (now a part of the Gardner Denver Nash Division), the rugged construction and easy to service design of the GARO AB4000R minimizes maintenance, and reduces downtime for service and repair. The compressor was designed to provide reliable and efficient operation for applications that include flare gas recovery, vapor recovery units, corrosive gas handling (e.g. VCM and chlorine ) and H2S gas sweetening.